Monday, July 29, 2013

Carolina"s Blog post #1

Blog post #1

A very controversial issue lately has been the Obama health care plan. The whole plan of Obama's health care is to restore the American  health care system. In order for his aim to work he passed the Affordable Care Act. In the bill all Americans must have health insurance by 2014. In my opinion this plan is a a very good opportunity for many people that do not have health insurance. The Obama health care will reform the way we buy health insurance. For example , all Americans must purchase a private health care plan or those Americans who can't afford it will either qualify for Medicare or Medicaid. Regardless of what you pay , Obama Care will improve the health of millions of Americans who currently do not have health insurance. I honestly think this plan will be very beneficial to the lives of many Americans. There has been many cases where people die because they weren't treated with the right medication just because they can't afford it. For example in my family my little brother and I are in my dad's plan of insurance however my mom doesn't seem to qualify in that plan therefore she has no health insurance. She has gone to many clinics and including going to the Medicare programs but just nothing happens. Few months ago she was very sick so she had to go to the doctor and stuff and well when the bill came it was from $800 to $1000 just so much money for one consultation. So instead of paying so much money in the U.S for health care she decided to go to Mexico City where she went with a specialist doctor to see what was going on with her body. It was much cheaper going to another country then paying hundreds of dollars in health care that is not fully helping you. Many Americans like my mom have to go through this situation because just having no health care is such a big problem. Hopefully with the Obama health care plan it will provide more benefits to Medicare and Medicaid so many more American can qualify for there health insurance and improving health care for patients .