Saturday, August 24, 2013

Blog #3 Affordable College Plan

"President Obama offers plan to make colleges more affordable and accountable"
Blog #3 

A recent issue has been brought about college and why many middle class people can't afford it. At the University of Buffalo in upstate New York , Obama gave a speech about college and it's investment. At the speech he said ;" At a time when a higher education has never been more important or more expensive, too many students are facing a choice that they should never have to make. Either they say no to college and pay the price for not getting a degree -- and that's a price that lasts a lifetime -- or you do what it takes to go to college, but then you run the risk that you won't be able to pay it off because you got so much debt." Right now this issue has been very problematic. I know many students who would love to attend college but they just cant pay so much money so instead they give up and go straight to get a miserable job where they will get paid eight dollars an hour. Students now are given the option of loans however that scares many of them because they fear they won't be able to pay it off. According to recent investigations the tuition for colleges has risen 250 percent over the last three decades. What that means is today a big percent of students end up graduating college with a big junk of money that they owe. The problem in America is higher education is the only way you can survive to be economically good that's why its so important for the new generations to go to college. In Obama's plan he wants to create a new rating system for colleges and universities both public and private that would link federal dollars to school's affordability and performance. If the plan passes and congress accepts it more students will be able to graduate college with not so much loan money on their pockets. In today's world higher education will be the single best investment you can make for your future.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Blog #2

Seniors and Social Security 
blog post #2

A big issue that has been discussed lately is seniors and there retirement security. Although most young Americans may put this topic aside it is very important because it will affect our future. Vice President Biden spoke to seniors about retirement security and medicare. In a speech given he mentioned , "  The question is what are are we going to do to strengthen and sustain these programs now and for the future". The problem however is , Congressional Republicans are trying to weaken all the senior programs. Being a 65 or older senior you obviously need medicare in your life in order to be healthy however seniors that age are not able to pay much for medicare since they get few money from there social security. Last year , congressman Paul Ryan proposed a plan where seniors would have to for there medicare however over time it would double. President Obama and Biden want to strengthen medicare and secure the future for the seniors. A future where they would be able to have more benefits and not having to worry about money issues. Lately with the economy seniors have been struggling and seeing there savings fall. President Obama proposed the Recovery Act in which it would give $250 to retirees.To other Americans $250 may not be a lot but to seniors who have to depend on there social security income it's a great glory for them to receive a few bucks more.Obama has been committed to protect and strengthen social security , securing all the hard work of a senior. In my opinion this recovery act would be very helpful because it is not fair how seniors get such few social security money after a whole life working so darn hard. In addition to protecting social security Obama also offered programs where all Americans can prepare for there future , with retirement plans. In my life , having a dad that already retired i know this whole social security problems and they really do not give so much money that's why i believe it would be very helpful that Obama offers more programs. Imagine working all your life so hard and getting payed real good then bam next thing you know you are 65 and you are getting a social security of not even half of what you earned while working. It's honestly a really harsh change and i think we all would want to receive a good amount of money when were old after all the years of hard work.