Saturday, October 26, 2013

U.S hires contractor to fix healthcare website

U.S hires contractor to fix healthcare website 

Republicans seem to keep blocking Obama's healthcare act. A big amount of people have started to purchase Obama's new healthcare however there has been problems in the current website. To fix this problems the Obama administration hired a general contractor to fix the health insurance website. The website has a lot of problems that have to be addressed. Recently the website has shut out millions of users causing there application process to break down. The point of everything is so in the beginning of next year everyone can start applying for healthcare coverage. After the government shutdown and all the problems the Republicans were passing it is very pathetic how now even the healthcare website is passing through all this negative problems. When the website is finally fixed by the contractors millions of Americans will be able to finally apply for Obama health insurance. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

U.S Supreme Court refuses to hear Brown's prisons appeal

U.S Supreme Court refuses to hear Brown's prisons appeal 

Jerry Brown has brought ideas to the U.S Supreme Court about his prison appeals however they refuse to hear the ideas he has. It is already the second appeal of Jerry Brown and they still refuse to hear what he hast to say about court ordered prison crowding caps in California. The prisons in California are way to over crowded and in need of medical and mental healthcare. Brown proposed prison psychiatric care however federal courts won't accept it. The prison medical care is run by a court appointed agency which Brown is under orders to reduce prison crowding by January 27 or judges will order inmates released. In my opinion if prisoners are in need of mental treatment they should be taken to some mental clinic and like that it will reduce the amount of overcrowding in prisons. It's a great idea and plus more prisons will have available space and the mental people and regular jail prisoners won't be connected. If the Supreme Court decides to listen to Jerry Brown and his appeals then maybe finally he can come up with a plan to reduce the amount of over crowded prisons in California.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Republicans announce $10 million initiative to lure Latino voters

Republicans announce $10 million initiative to lure Latino voters

Throughout the years, Republicans have noticed the Latino population has increased tremendously. Most Latinos vote in favor of Democrats since they support immigration reform. This however affects Republicans because today , the percentage of Latino voters is a lot which means they need their vote in order to win elections. What Republicans are trying to do now is seek improvement on there party's appeal to Latinos. In order to mend their relationship with Latinos , Republicans announced a $10 million initiative to make electoral inroads among the Latino group across the nation. The only thing Republicans started doing right this time was they want to make the change happen way before any election so the Latino population can see they want to change for the good and help the Latino community out. In my opinion the only way Republicans will ever gain the trust of Latinos will be until they accept immigration reform. All there lives Latinos in the U.S have been fighting for an immigration reform and now if Republicans can ally with Democrats and support immigration that will open the eyes of many Latinos and well maybe who know , Latinos will start identifying themselves as the Republican party.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

House votes to pay workers furloughed during government shutdown

House votes to pay workers furloughed during government shutdown 

Government shutdown has been affecting millions of people. Thanks to the government shutdown hundreds of thousands of people have not gotten paid. The house wants to fix this and pay the people for the government shutdown however yet there is no date of when will the government open again. Lawmakers have been pressured to pay all the federal workers when the government shut down. This bill has gone to the senate however Democrats don't seem to want to approve it. Democrats have rejected the idea of reopening some parts of the government , insisting they will only accept full funding of the government operations. Republicans have been insisting in stopping the affordable care act in order for the rest of the government to open. President Obama has shown no type of willingness to negotiate with republicans until they decide to reopen the government and raise the debt limit. In my opinion the democrats are totally right of not wanting to negotiate with the republicans. It is really absurd how badly they want to take Obama health care act out just so the government can open again. It's a sign of immaturity and they have to be able to step it up and realize this is not a game and government shutdown is affecting billions of people all over the U.S.