Sunday, September 29, 2013

Republicans led House voters to delay Obamacare for a year

Republicans led House voters to delay Obamacare for a year

 Obamacare has been causing many problems in the white house. The bill was supposed to be passed this year so by January , Obamacare could go into process. There has been a lot of talks over shutting down the government and in order for that to not happen , the Republican house voters planned to delay Obamacare. The only reason why Republicans are fighting hard to not let the health care pass is because they know in order to help pay the program the wealthiest families that make more than 250,000 a year will have to pay a little bit more. Although the Republicans try their best to back away this law , they will end up failing because millions of people approve the Obamacare and they believe everyone should have a health care plan. Obama has even said he is willing to improve the healthcare law and fix some changes with Republicans however he will not do it under threats of government shutdown. The Republicans aren't reasoning and if they don't stop this whole immature acts of government shutdown , a lot of people will get on there bad side knowing that they are doing everything possible to not help millions of Americans that can't or don't have any health insurance.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

House Republicans reduction on food stamps

Reductions on food stamps 

House Republicans seem to want to cut off food stamps for billions of Americans. Republicans argue that the reduction on food stamps will help more government programs to open up. The number of Americans receiving food stamps is really high. In 2007 , 26 million Americans were receiving food stamps and in 2012 the number arouse to 47 million. However this food reduction not only would it affect the average person getting food stamps but also seniors and military families.  Democrats argue against this proposition because they think food stamps are essential to many people that don't gain enough money to buy food. Although this will affect people's money pocket it will also damage schools which means free school lunches would end for more than 200,000 children. In my opinion i think the food reduction is a good thing. I know a lot of people that get crazy amounts of food stamps like $800 to $900 a month. But instead of using that money to feed their household they sell the food stamps and use the money for other things. The government shouldn't fully take of the food stamps however they should have more regulation on who they give it too.  There is a variety of Americans that actually need the help of the government to eat that's why more regulation should be for those who take advantage of government money.  The average monthly food stamp benefit should be $133 per person or $275 per household. This amount is small but so many people end up lying to the government and get more. If there is going to be a reduction on food stamps i believe the schools should stay out of this and the food should be free for kids. As for the house Republicans if they don't want so much money wasted on food stamps they should regulate how much money they give to each family instead of taking food stamps from people who actually need it. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

California passes drivers licenses for illegal immigrants

State passes bill to license more drivers who are here illegally 

Many Americans take their license for granted however millions of immigrants would love to obtain one in their hands. Recently , California voted those who are illegally in the country can obtain a driver's license. This bill will help a lot of undocumented people to get anywhere safe and legally. Not only is this a good thing for immigrants but it will also help reinforce the idea in Washington that immigration reform is long past due and there is no way now they can reject it. The bill will require a special mark ( drivers privilege) instead of (drivers license) the reason for that is because the document does not establish eligibility for employment or public benefit. Although it's a minor thing , this bill will help all those hardworking immigrants who need their drivers license to do basic things that many Americans take for granted. Many people have argued (Americans) that this is all wrong and next thing you know California will be packed with immigrants etc. However they don't realize , their is no difference because everyone will pay the same things for insurance and stuff. Only because they get their drivers license doesn't mean their off the hook. We're almost entering 2014 and people should realize times have changed and you can't preserve the past forever. America will always be America however you have to be able to open up to different cultures and accept the changes that the government is making.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Teacher misconduct bill

Teacher misconduct bill signed by Jerry Brown

In the Los Angeles school district there has been many sex abuse scandals. In order for this issue to stop, Jerry Brown proposed this bill to take serious measures. This bill basically is for superintendents to report actions against instructors to the state commission on teacher credentialing. The superintendents who fail to do this will be penalized. This bill will help students be safe and stay away from any possible harm. Many people think this is a basic subject and principles and other teachers would know however the rate of sex abuse incidents by teachers in the last three years has been very high. This is a great step for the safety of the students. In my opinion I think this is a great bill because there is a variety of teachers throughout many schools that are bad teachers and seem sexual and well the other teachers seem to ignore them and think it's part of their personality. Another very good thing about this bill is that the teachers records will be marked so if the teacher gets another job in a other district in California there bad conduct will remain there. Even though some people might say the bill is not strong enough it does make a more strict change upon teachers. No teacher should ever harm a student or sexually abuse them. Many parents take there kids to school thinking they are in the most safest place possible however in some cases kids are sexually abused by there own teachers. That's a very horrible situation because school is suppose to be a place where you feel safe and secure. The teacher misconduct bill will past on January 2014 and hopefully with this new bill no more sexual abuse cases from teachers will be heard.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Gay marriages to be treated equally

Gay Marriage 

 Gay marriage has always been a very debatable topic. Not so long ago gay marriage was legally passed. In order for gay marriage to be treated , Washington decided same sex couples who are legally married will be treated as married for federal tax purposes. This statement was barely announced by the treasury department and the internal revenue service on August 29. This was all brought up because in June the Supreme Court's decision was to overturn the defense of marriage act which prevented the federal government from recognizing same sex marriages for purposes such as insurance benefits and tax filings. However this new change helps same sex couples to move freely throughout the country knowing that their federal filing status will not change. It also help gay marriage couples to access to benefits and protections under federal tax law that all Americans deserve. This whole new arrangement will help many same sex couples be free and make them share the same benefits that the other American marriages have. Right now , 13 states including California and the district of Columbia have recognized same sex marriage. This is a great progress and relief for married same sex couples all over America.