Saturday, September 21, 2013

House Republicans reduction on food stamps

Reductions on food stamps 

House Republicans seem to want to cut off food stamps for billions of Americans. Republicans argue that the reduction on food stamps will help more government programs to open up. The number of Americans receiving food stamps is really high. In 2007 , 26 million Americans were receiving food stamps and in 2012 the number arouse to 47 million. However this food reduction not only would it affect the average person getting food stamps but also seniors and military families.  Democrats argue against this proposition because they think food stamps are essential to many people that don't gain enough money to buy food. Although this will affect people's money pocket it will also damage schools which means free school lunches would end for more than 200,000 children. In my opinion i think the food reduction is a good thing. I know a lot of people that get crazy amounts of food stamps like $800 to $900 a month. But instead of using that money to feed their household they sell the food stamps and use the money for other things. The government shouldn't fully take of the food stamps however they should have more regulation on who they give it too.  There is a variety of Americans that actually need the help of the government to eat that's why more regulation should be for those who take advantage of government money.  The average monthly food stamp benefit should be $133 per person or $275 per household. This amount is small but so many people end up lying to the government and get more. If there is going to be a reduction on food stamps i believe the schools should stay out of this and the food should be free for kids. As for the house Republicans if they don't want so much money wasted on food stamps they should regulate how much money they give to each family instead of taking food stamps from people who actually need it. 

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