Sunday, September 8, 2013

Teacher misconduct bill

Teacher misconduct bill signed by Jerry Brown

In the Los Angeles school district there has been many sex abuse scandals. In order for this issue to stop, Jerry Brown proposed this bill to take serious measures. This bill basically is for superintendents to report actions against instructors to the state commission on teacher credentialing. The superintendents who fail to do this will be penalized. This bill will help students be safe and stay away from any possible harm. Many people think this is a basic subject and principles and other teachers would know however the rate of sex abuse incidents by teachers in the last three years has been very high. This is a great step for the safety of the students. In my opinion I think this is a great bill because there is a variety of teachers throughout many schools that are bad teachers and seem sexual and well the other teachers seem to ignore them and think it's part of their personality. Another very good thing about this bill is that the teachers records will be marked so if the teacher gets another job in a other district in California there bad conduct will remain there. Even though some people might say the bill is not strong enough it does make a more strict change upon teachers. No teacher should ever harm a student or sexually abuse them. Many parents take there kids to school thinking they are in the most safest place possible however in some cases kids are sexually abused by there own teachers. That's a very horrible situation because school is suppose to be a place where you feel safe and secure. The teacher misconduct bill will past on January 2014 and hopefully with this new bill no more sexual abuse cases from teachers will be heard.

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