Sunday, November 24, 2013

John Boehner: Immigration overhaul is not dead

John Boehner: Immigration overhaul is not dead

With so many things happening in the U.S government, immigration seems to be the last priority. John Boehner seems to agree to the idea that immigration is being upheld and does not know when the House will address it once again. Although it is being upheld he says it is not dead. Ever since the last election in 2012, he made it clear it was time for Congress to deal with the immigration issue. The Senate's immigration bill on the side of the Republicans has died however the GOP has stayed divided  over providing a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Many advocates for immigrants have tried sending republican voters in Congress a turkey for thanksgiving in return for a vote. Dreamers have also attended college or joined the military.  President Obama, said he understood the Senate's approach however he would continue with the immigration reform step by step as well as Boehner. In my opinion, the senate should just agree on immigration because no matter how much they push it away, it will still come back every single time to haunt them. Although, there is a lot of controversial things happening in the government at this moment with the whole issue of healthcare, immigration should be taken care of before we start a new year. 

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