Saturday, November 16, 2013

Obama facing Democratic dissent on healthcare law

Obama facing Democratic dissent on healthcare law

As the end of the year seems to get closer the health care law seems to face more and more struggles. The healthcare website is still not fixed which makes more and more democrats feel disappointed in the president. All those democrats that once supported Obama on healthcare seem to back away since they see no progress in the act. Thirty nine democrats joined up republicans in a 261-157 vote to allow insurers to continue selling individual policies under the affordable care act. As the Obama care seems harsher to be passed Obama hopes his democrats stay strong and support him all the way to the end.The GOP bill was passed by 39 votes to undo Obama care and to keep your health plan. Republicans have described the GOP as the first step to kill Obama care.If things keep going like they are currently Obama care will end up failing and all the hard work of having health insurance for billions of Americans will be a total waste.

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