Saturday, November 9, 2013

Senate passes workplace protections for gay, transgender Americans

Senate passes workplace protections for gay, transgender Americans 

After so much discrimination throughout time on workplaces for gay's and transgenders, the senate finally approved a new bill that would protect them. The majority of Republicans have been against this for a long time however in a vote with Democrats, a 64 to 32 vote proposed the Employment Non-discrimination Act. This act will help them not be discriminated in any type of way and will be hired based on their skills and qualifications for the job. Ever since 2010, Congress had stopped passing new acts for gays besides the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prevented gays to participate in the military. However now with this new bill it would prohibit public and private employers and agencies from using sexual identification for decisions on employment. This new bill has brought a lot of positive attention to gay's being protected on the workplace but there is a majority of people that disagree on transgenders. Some people feel there is nothing wrong with gays gaining equality rights in the workplace but feel transgenders violate the dress code. It's a matter of counter and pro arguments. In my opinion i think it was about time there rights on workplace were officially protected, and by this now there shouldn't be no type of discrimination no matter their sex, race, or gender.,0,7926414.story#axzz2kBfBstod

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