Thursday, December 26, 2013

Vacationing Obama visits Hawaii Marine base on Christmas

Vacationing Obama visits Hawaii Marine base on Christmas

On Christmas day, Obama and Michelle Obama Visited a Marine Base on Hawaii. A tradition for them has always been playing tribute to U.S troops and the struggles they go through by not having their families by their side in special occasions such as holidays. They talked about how grateful they are from them and how not having freedom is all part of a incredible dedication and professionalism work. President Obama even dressed informally. Not only did he talk to the Hawaii Marine but also he placed calls to 10 service stations in Afghanistan, Saudi, Arabia and Bahrain. After he was talking with the marine's he and his wife were taking pictures with them and celebrating with them a very Merry Christmas. In my opinion , I think it was very kind of Obama and his wife to go visit them and give them a little sense of hope. Being seperated from you most loved ones is very hard and for them to tell them all the positive things they are doing must have given them a little more of motivation to strike hard and fight for all their dreams and hopes. By this good action all they will receive is pure positive comments and a sense of gratitude.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

One more chance at getting Obamacare Jan. 1

One more chance at getting Obamacare Jan. 1 

The Deadline for Obamacare was supposed to be December 23 so the healthcare enrollment could start on Jan 1st. However that weekend when the deadline was close millions of Americans were trying to enroll but the website kept crashing. About 77,000 Americans signed up successfully over a three day period but their was still a big amount of people that had trouble signing up. In order to get more people to sign up they decided to extend the date to March 31 st. Extending the date would help millions of people that were having trouble filling up the conversation and people that just didn't have the chance to start the process. Not only that but also extending the time would help prevent people from getting fines for not having a health insurance plan. For example, in my case I started filling up the application for my mom on November but the website still was facing techniqual difficulties. I waited until December but the application was very long. My mom and I did not know the application deadline was December 23 and that exact day we heard it on the news so I got on my computer and tried to rush to finish it but since it was already going to be 12 i wasn't able to make it. Thanks to this deadline I will be able to fill out the application correctly and on time so my mom can have a healthcare plan.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

California population grows by 332,000 to 38.2 million

California population grows by 332,000 to 38.2 million

    California has always been a very large state. Many People tend to come to California for all the opportunity's it has to offer. According to the Department of Finance, California has increased nearly a decade. Not only has California increased because of births but immigration. Immigration in California is really high. The growth of California is a sign that the economy is recovering. More people have arrived to this state rather than left.  If things keep being like this, soon our economy will be much better especially for all those people living here in California. In my opinion immigration here is a great factor because thanks to that we are being able to recover from the recession and open up more opportunity's for all those people coming to this state for a better life. You would think for having a higher population their would be an increase in prices however California has managed to keep everything the same regardless of the amount of people they have. As the years pass, California's population will continue to growth and hopefully the growth becomes a very helpful and significant thing for all the people living in this state.,0,6897372.story#axzz2nTcgr5I9

Sunday, December 8, 2013

GOP starts a tough struggle to win back Asian American voters

GOP starts a tough struggle to win back Asian American voters

Republicans have tried winning the Latino community however they have seen that plan will not work. Their white and old conservative voters are decreasing which leads them to search up a new group of voters. The new group they want to attract is the Asian American community. They first started with celebrating an Asian holiday to bring out their support towards them. The number of Asian Americans in the U.S is increasing rapidly which is why Republicans are so eager to gain their vote. With many Asians now having a high education, Republicans think their educated knowledge will push them towards to them rather than Democrats. Over the past decades Asians stepped away from the Republican party. In Obama's and Mitt Romney's presidential election the democrat won the Asian population by a 71 percent vote compared to Republicans. In my opinion, I think it's going to be pretty hard for Republicans to try and gain the Asian votes. By now they should know they are just using them for their vote. If the Republican party couldn't gain the Latino community, I honestly doubt it they will end up getting the Asian community. It's all a matter of how much they offer to them and how much they are willing to take. Although Republicans try to gain more voters, for now Democrats will keep having the reins of the population votes.,0,6145540.story#axzz2n2cIGb8F

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Obamacare Website On Track To Work For 'Vast Majority' Of People, Administration Says

Obamacare Website On Track To Work For 'Vast Majority' Of People, Administration Says 

After so much time the healthcare website has finally had some progress.  The website has now improved providing 50,000 users at a time. For all those people who were planning to switch to Obamacare can now apply until December 23. The website had gone through a long process because it had been crashed and many users didn't seem to be able to use it. However, Obama did everything possible in his hands so the website could be fix and million of Americans could now apply to his healthcare plan. The website had recently be tested with 6% of failure but now the problems of it were brought down to .75%. It has made a really good progress and significance. In my opinion it was about time the website was fixed because there has been a lot of people complaining about it. Including some Americans had lost there previous healthcare plan and many people were begging to doubt President Obama and his capacity over this healthcare act. Now with it fixed everything will go back to normal and billions of Americans will be able to obtain a health care plan that they can afford.