Sunday, December 1, 2013

Obamacare Website On Track To Work For 'Vast Majority' Of People, Administration Says

Obamacare Website On Track To Work For 'Vast Majority' Of People, Administration Says 

After so much time the healthcare website has finally had some progress.  The website has now improved providing 50,000 users at a time. For all those people who were planning to switch to Obamacare can now apply until December 23. The website had gone through a long process because it had been crashed and many users didn't seem to be able to use it. However, Obama did everything possible in his hands so the website could be fix and million of Americans could now apply to his healthcare plan. The website had recently be tested with 6% of failure but now the problems of it were brought down to .75%. It has made a really good progress and significance. In my opinion it was about time the website was fixed because there has been a lot of people complaining about it. Including some Americans had lost there previous healthcare plan and many people were begging to doubt President Obama and his capacity over this healthcare act. Now with it fixed everything will go back to normal and billions of Americans will be able to obtain a health care plan that they can afford.

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