Sunday, December 8, 2013

GOP starts a tough struggle to win back Asian American voters

GOP starts a tough struggle to win back Asian American voters

Republicans have tried winning the Latino community however they have seen that plan will not work. Their white and old conservative voters are decreasing which leads them to search up a new group of voters. The new group they want to attract is the Asian American community. They first started with celebrating an Asian holiday to bring out their support towards them. The number of Asian Americans in the U.S is increasing rapidly which is why Republicans are so eager to gain their vote. With many Asians now having a high education, Republicans think their educated knowledge will push them towards to them rather than Democrats. Over the past decades Asians stepped away from the Republican party. In Obama's and Mitt Romney's presidential election the democrat won the Asian population by a 71 percent vote compared to Republicans. In my opinion, I think it's going to be pretty hard for Republicans to try and gain the Asian votes. By now they should know they are just using them for their vote. If the Republican party couldn't gain the Latino community, I honestly doubt it they will end up getting the Asian community. It's all a matter of how much they offer to them and how much they are willing to take. Although Republicans try to gain more voters, for now Democrats will keep having the reins of the population votes.,0,6145540.story#axzz2n2cIGb8F

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