Sunday, December 22, 2013

One more chance at getting Obamacare Jan. 1

One more chance at getting Obamacare Jan. 1 

The Deadline for Obamacare was supposed to be December 23 so the healthcare enrollment could start on Jan 1st. However that weekend when the deadline was close millions of Americans were trying to enroll but the website kept crashing. About 77,000 Americans signed up successfully over a three day period but their was still a big amount of people that had trouble signing up. In order to get more people to sign up they decided to extend the date to March 31 st. Extending the date would help millions of people that were having trouble filling up the conversation and people that just didn't have the chance to start the process. Not only that but also extending the time would help prevent people from getting fines for not having a health insurance plan. For example, in my case I started filling up the application for my mom on November but the website still was facing techniqual difficulties. I waited until December but the application was very long. My mom and I did not know the application deadline was December 23 and that exact day we heard it on the news so I got on my computer and tried to rush to finish it but since it was already going to be 12 i wasn't able to make it. Thanks to this deadline I will be able to fill out the application correctly and on time so my mom can have a healthcare plan.

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