Saturday, January 25, 2014

State of the Union: Obama aiming his message beyond Congress

Obama in 2013 faced a hard year with many things that occurred in his presidency with Congress. One of the main things that happened in his presidency was the government shutdown. That brought many negative contributions and struggles to him. This new year President Obama will deliver his state of union to Congress. With all the struggles Obama faced with Congress in the past he is now trying to come up with a new agenda that can advance with or without the help and support from Congress.  The white house will also help contribute so Congress and the president can both make wise decisions. Obama helps that in his second term he is able to accomplish everything he couldn't before because of the bad relationship he had with Congress. In this second term he is hoping to open up more jobs and help better the economy in the U.S. In my opinion it must be very hard for Congress and the president to get along however they both have to put in their part so our government can be successful. Hopefully with the President's new agenda everything will be taken care of and no bad situations will occur such as in 2013.,0,7011814.story#axzz2rTNZMFJg

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Congress OKs measure to cut helicopter noise in L.A. County

Congress OKs measure to cut helicopter noise in L.A. County

For a lot of years now, many people in the Los Angeles area have been disturbed by the constant noises of helicopters around there neighborhoods. However, a new legislation was passed into the massive federal spending bill by Congress. The new legislation requires the federal administration to begin flight regulations to reduce the noise of helicopters. The anti noise legislation was included with a 1 trillion bill that funds federal agencies. They have been trying to to test this anti noise helicopters in some areas of Los Angeles. A process is being made to improve the noise of helicopters. In my opinion I think this anti noise helicopter is a great thing. Living in L.A is already hard enough with the whole noise and action of helicopters everywhere. There has even been nights where I can't sleep because of the loud helicopter noises. Especially living here in Korea Town is so hard with many helicopters flying around constantly at night. With this new legislation hopefully the improvement of helicopters will be better and more people living in L.A will be able to have a good night sleep.,0,235741.story#axzz2qsHHLegM

Monday, January 13, 2014

Republicans call for a new approach to fight poverty

Republicans call for a new approach to fight poverty

Republicans have always been seen more unpleasant than the rest of the political powers. Many people view them as only trying to help the rich and white. However to get a second glance, they are trying to help fight poverty. Republicans are working to help out the party by tackling poverty and boosting the middle class. They are trying to help out the uneven economy that the democrats have been trying to improve for the last couple of months. Many people seem to have doubt about the party and it's goals towards the working class. Through the election of Mitt Romney republicans noticed they lost votes when they believed in the rich not paying taxes or people not having support from the government. In my opinion I believe it's about time republicans focus on the middle class instead of the rich. With their help and the help that democrats are bringing both parties can combine to help out the economy. The middle class is the one that suffers the most since they don't get much government help however they are suppose to be treated as rich adults. For example the middle class is expected to pay for their college education even though they don't have the money for it. If republicans help fight poverty they will also help the economy.,0,2942077.story#axzz2qKjnAPZI

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Supreme Court halts Utah gay marriages, signaling cautious approach

Supreme Court halts Utah gay marriages, signaling cautious approach  

You would think by this time a majority of people would be in favor of gay marriage however it seems not everyone is ready to take gay marriage to the next level. The Supreme Court ordered a halt to the issue of same sex marriage on Utah. It seems justices are not ready to accept same sex marriage nation wide. Although other states have gay marriage such as California, there is other states that are still not at that level to accept it. Justices need a little bit more time on recap on this issue of same sex marriage on Utah. The state will have to appeal to the U.S 10th circuit court of appeals. During that court over 1,000 marriage licenses have been issued. The appeals court is expected to make a decision this year but the losing side wont get a final decision till 2015. Hopefully when the justices finally agree on same sex marriage more states will adapt what California and Utah are doing and finally be able to give gay marriage people the same benefits that normal married couples have.,0,1829277.story#axzz2phUHYKjt