Sunday, January 19, 2014

Congress OKs measure to cut helicopter noise in L.A. County

Congress OKs measure to cut helicopter noise in L.A. County

For a lot of years now, many people in the Los Angeles area have been disturbed by the constant noises of helicopters around there neighborhoods. However, a new legislation was passed into the massive federal spending bill by Congress. The new legislation requires the federal administration to begin flight regulations to reduce the noise of helicopters. The anti noise legislation was included with a 1 trillion bill that funds federal agencies. They have been trying to to test this anti noise helicopters in some areas of Los Angeles. A process is being made to improve the noise of helicopters. In my opinion I think this anti noise helicopter is a great thing. Living in L.A is already hard enough with the whole noise and action of helicopters everywhere. There has even been nights where I can't sleep because of the loud helicopter noises. Especially living here in Korea Town is so hard with many helicopters flying around constantly at night. With this new legislation hopefully the improvement of helicopters will be better and more people living in L.A will be able to have a good night sleep.,0,235741.story#axzz2qsHHLegM

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