Sunday, January 5, 2014

Supreme Court halts Utah gay marriages, signaling cautious approach

Supreme Court halts Utah gay marriages, signaling cautious approach  

You would think by this time a majority of people would be in favor of gay marriage however it seems not everyone is ready to take gay marriage to the next level. The Supreme Court ordered a halt to the issue of same sex marriage on Utah. It seems justices are not ready to accept same sex marriage nation wide. Although other states have gay marriage such as California, there is other states that are still not at that level to accept it. Justices need a little bit more time on recap on this issue of same sex marriage on Utah. The state will have to appeal to the U.S 10th circuit court of appeals. During that court over 1,000 marriage licenses have been issued. The appeals court is expected to make a decision this year but the losing side wont get a final decision till 2015. Hopefully when the justices finally agree on same sex marriage more states will adapt what California and Utah are doing and finally be able to give gay marriage people the same benefits that normal married couples have.,0,1829277.story#axzz2phUHYKjt

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