Monday, January 13, 2014

Republicans call for a new approach to fight poverty

Republicans call for a new approach to fight poverty

Republicans have always been seen more unpleasant than the rest of the political powers. Many people view them as only trying to help the rich and white. However to get a second glance, they are trying to help fight poverty. Republicans are working to help out the party by tackling poverty and boosting the middle class. They are trying to help out the uneven economy that the democrats have been trying to improve for the last couple of months. Many people seem to have doubt about the party and it's goals towards the working class. Through the election of Mitt Romney republicans noticed they lost votes when they believed in the rich not paying taxes or people not having support from the government. In my opinion I believe it's about time republicans focus on the middle class instead of the rich. With their help and the help that democrats are bringing both parties can combine to help out the economy. The middle class is the one that suffers the most since they don't get much government help however they are suppose to be treated as rich adults. For example the middle class is expected to pay for their college education even though they don't have the money for it. If republicans help fight poverty they will also help the economy.,0,2942077.story#axzz2qKjnAPZI

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