Saturday, April 5, 2014

L.A Unified Supt. Deasy unveils new budget proposal

L.A Unified Supt. Deasy unveils new budget proposal 

LAUSD for quite a while now have been facing money issues. What they are trying to do is increase the general fund to 6.8 billion under the proposal 2014-2015 fiscal year. The reason they are doing this is because of the state's improving economy and higher taxes. LAUSD will also be receiving additional dollars through the state's new funding formula for every kid that falls under certain category's like foster youth, students learning English, and students from low income families.  This new funds all connect to the new system developed by Jerry Brown and the state legislature. With all this new funds they hope to do great investments in education for the youth. In my opinion, I am so glad they are doing this especially knowing that education has always gotten the least amount of funds and now with this not only are they improving the education system but also new jobs are being opened for teachers.,0,4019400.story#axzz2y2td7vha

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