Friday, April 11, 2014

Obama issues orders seeking equal pay for women

Obama issues orders seeking equal pay for women 

For a long time now, women working in federal contractors haven't been paid the same amount as men. Recently, President Obama used his executive order to sign two executive orders for women and men working in contractors to get equally payed. It has been talked about the great gap pay between men and women workers in the U.S. According to the White House women make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. After all this investigation, Obama also ordered for contractors to report data to the government about the amount paid to workers by gender and race. In my opinion, I am glad President Obama is doing this because it's finally time. Women should not be payed less than a man for the same amount of work that they are completing. Although Republicans like always are trying to make little adjustments so this process won't pass Obama argues for them to stop living in the past decade and start playing fair. The United States is a place of freedom and equality where no one should be discriminated and if this is true, this equal payment issues should come into law and be passed so that finally America can be actually a place where everyone is equal and for their hard work they can get a good life.,0,5054235.story#axzz2zCwmqhXj

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