Friday, April 4, 2014

States that have struggled with healthcare sites consider lawsuits

States that have struggled with healthcare sites consider lawsuits

Now that the healthcare has been more progressed their are still some states that are facing difficulties trying to get the program. States such as, Oregon, Massachusetts, and Maryland. The three states are considering a move to the federal exchange. Consultants have said it would take about two years to fix the state's websites. Knowing this the states have plowed to grant funds in order to save their programs before Monday which is the deadline. A lot of people are concerned because this states that are facing problems have not been part of an extension to help them out in some sort of way. Each state is trying their best to get the amount of help needed to fix this issue however if it's not fixed it is more likely for them to consider starting lawsuits. In my opinion, the healthcare website had already faced many problems so I don't see why they are making such a big deal out of it. They should just get help and get it fixed and for those states struggling they should get an extension of the deadline since they are having a little bit more of a trouble.,0,6750235.story#axzz2y2td7vha

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