Thursday, May 29, 2014

Obama delays deportation review,putting immigration onus on GOP

Obama delays deportation review,putting immigration onus on GOP 

Recently. the White House decided to delay a review of deportations shifting focus away from President Obama. By delaying the deportation the Department of Homeland Security would be able to review the deportations on August while the White House could use a window of opportunity to pass a reform during the midterm election. Many people have been arguing over the pros and cons over delaying the deportations. For Example, the House Speaker John Boehner said Obama's decision to postpone the deportation review should not be a concession for the Republicans but instead the president's responsibility to uphold existing laws. However the House Representatives have argued they don't want to start no immigration laws because they don't trust the president to enforce them not even the exisiting laws that are already done. In my opinion, I don't think delaying it will help because immigration will always be a main topic on politics. However if they think they can create better laws by having more time then I think it was a good option. Although, Obama delayed it he must have his reasons and when it comes to open it again hopefully he is prepared to come up with good ideas to help out the amount of deportations that occur.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Homeland Security may reduce deportations of nonviolent immigrants

Homeland Security may reduce deportations of nonviolent immigrants 

Deportation during the Obama administration has increased a lot which has caused a lot of problems and dislike to the Latino community. The new change of deportation to nonviolent immigrants will now slow down the pace of immigrant deportations. It will also help relieve pressure to the White House from labor and Latino groups that have criticized President Obama as a deporter in chief. In my opinion this may be a good process however it will not be enough for the Latino community. Obama will have to face a bigger step in order to accomplishing the immigration system. It is a good idea to reduce nonviolent immigrants since usually immigrants that have done a good to the country are deported and taken away from their families.  A reform bill would be the best solution to this however for now it's a step to help immigrants out.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Harvard professor's super PAC aims to end power of super PAC's

Harvard professor's super PAC aims to end power of super PAC's 

Harvard professor's have been working on questions that have gather the attention of many. The first question is if it would be able to create a super PAC that would end the power of the PAC and get enough Americans into the system to limit the influence of money in politics. The second question was that if it were possible to get voters excited about a subject as dry as a campaign finance. In order to test out the questions, professor Lawrence Lessig asked Americans across the political spectrum who believe the current political system is legally corrupt. The result of that was that the government is not responsible for the average American but instead responsible for the people that fund. The overall thing is that the public doesn't like how the system is run however they don't do anything about it. In my opinion more people should be aware of the research that is done especially by this Harvard professors. If people don't like how the government is run they should raise their voice and speak up rather then leave all the issues to the rich people that help fund the government in the United States.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How a lot of money helped vault Pennsylvania primary candidate to top

How a lot of money helped vault Pennsylvania primary candidate to top  

A lot of primaries occur across states however Pennsylvania has the higher rate in which shows how money is involved into politics. There are four democrats who will be running against republican Tom Corbett. Voters have been disappointed with the choices Corbett has made such as cuts to education funding, and the progress of the economy. Since people don't like Corbett the four democrats are willing to step it up if they get chosen. They are willing to spend more money on education and help the environmental regulations. The difference between them however is money. One of the candidates named, Tom Wolf has spend about 10 million for his race. He has gotten very competitive to win the others. If money is involved in politics it will be very hard for the other candidates to win even if they have a lot of good ideas. In my opinion I think this is very unfair and the regulations of how much money they can contribute should be regulated in Pennsylvania. All the candidates should have an equal chance of winning in the elections. Also, if the previous candidate did a bad job because he had too much influence with money people should be able to realize what is best for them and what they shouldn't do.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Republicans say comments on Hilary Clinton's health are fair game

Republicans say comments on Hilary Clinton's health are fair game   

Hilary Clinton wanting to run for president has led a lot of Republicans to wonder if she will be capable of doing the president's duties. Her health and age have been a political debate.  However, Democrats consider their comments pathetic and believe she is capable. Apparently it all began when she suffered from a brain injury. The Republican National Committee in which Reince Preibus participates have said if she decides to run in the 2016 election her blood clot in her head will be questioned. The problem with her blood cot before was that it had prevented her from testifying in the Benghazi terror attack of 2012.  Many people have argued if she runs as candidate for president her health problems will come out in the White House campaign. Although she is being criticized by so many people because of her health she doesn't mind because she knows she has the good elements to become a president. Although in the 2016 election she will be 69 her age and health will be asked but she will still be brave enough to run. In my opinion, I think it's time for a woman to be president especially a person as strong as her. No matter her health problems and age she is willing to do the best to become a great leader and president to the United States.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Arkansas Supreme Court halts same-sex marriages

Arkansas Supreme Court halts same-sex marriages

Recently without no type of explanation the Supreme Court in Arkansas decided to ban same-sex marrages. Hundreds of gays and lesbians had been married in that State which was now's ban unconstitutional.  With this issue the Supreme Court will consider an appeal. 17 states have already legalized same-sex marriage with Massachusetts being one of the first one's after the Supreme Court held a ban on a gay marriage to be unconstitutional. It's pretty unfair what Arkansas is doing after so many year permitting same sex marriage to happen. In my opinion the Supreme Court should really review this again because if they don't they will have to face a lot of problems with gays and lesbians. Also there will be a lot of protests going on and supporters of gay and lesbian rights will come to fight Arkansas Supreme Court until they fix the mistake they are doing. Hopefully everything gets fixed and same-sex marriage people will finally be able to marry according to the law. At some point either way Arkansas will have to allow the marriage laws since what they did is unconstitutional.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Obamacare brings expanded coverage and higher costs to California

Obamacare brings expanded coverage and higher costs to California 

Although Obamacare has been spread to help everyone's health care, it has also raised the prices high. The healthcare program that is suppose to help low income families is causing the new high costs to the State of California. According to Jerry Brown's administration 11.5 million of California's population will be enrolled in Obamacare. The administration officials estimates were 1.2 million more than originally planned. Apparently what California had planned to spend for Obamacare was way much more then what they could have possibly imagined. The federal government became responsible for the people that were eligible however they are also responsible for half the price of the people that didn't sign up. Although people are excited for how much Obamacare was a success they fear doctors who participate in Medical will cut down their payments. In my opinion, it doesn't matter how much the State of California spends as long as people have a good health insurance. Hopefully all this issue will get fixed and the doctors salary won't have to decrease.