Thursday, May 29, 2014

Obama delays deportation review,putting immigration onus on GOP

Obama delays deportation review,putting immigration onus on GOP 

Recently. the White House decided to delay a review of deportations shifting focus away from President Obama. By delaying the deportation the Department of Homeland Security would be able to review the deportations on August while the White House could use a window of opportunity to pass a reform during the midterm election. Many people have been arguing over the pros and cons over delaying the deportations. For Example, the House Speaker John Boehner said Obama's decision to postpone the deportation review should not be a concession for the Republicans but instead the president's responsibility to uphold existing laws. However the House Representatives have argued they don't want to start no immigration laws because they don't trust the president to enforce them not even the exisiting laws that are already done. In my opinion, I don't think delaying it will help because immigration will always be a main topic on politics. However if they think they can create better laws by having more time then I think it was a good option. Although, Obama delayed it he must have his reasons and when it comes to open it again hopefully he is prepared to come up with good ideas to help out the amount of deportations that occur.

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