Sunday, May 11, 2014

Arkansas Supreme Court halts same-sex marriages

Arkansas Supreme Court halts same-sex marriages

Recently without no type of explanation the Supreme Court in Arkansas decided to ban same-sex marrages. Hundreds of gays and lesbians had been married in that State which was now's ban unconstitutional.  With this issue the Supreme Court will consider an appeal. 17 states have already legalized same-sex marriage with Massachusetts being one of the first one's after the Supreme Court held a ban on a gay marriage to be unconstitutional. It's pretty unfair what Arkansas is doing after so many year permitting same sex marriage to happen. In my opinion the Supreme Court should really review this again because if they don't they will have to face a lot of problems with gays and lesbians. Also there will be a lot of protests going on and supporters of gay and lesbian rights will come to fight Arkansas Supreme Court until they fix the mistake they are doing. Hopefully everything gets fixed and same-sex marriage people will finally be able to marry according to the law. At some point either way Arkansas will have to allow the marriage laws since what they did is unconstitutional.

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