Sunday, May 18, 2014

How a lot of money helped vault Pennsylvania primary candidate to top

How a lot of money helped vault Pennsylvania primary candidate to top  

A lot of primaries occur across states however Pennsylvania has the higher rate in which shows how money is involved into politics. There are four democrats who will be running against republican Tom Corbett. Voters have been disappointed with the choices Corbett has made such as cuts to education funding, and the progress of the economy. Since people don't like Corbett the four democrats are willing to step it up if they get chosen. They are willing to spend more money on education and help the environmental regulations. The difference between them however is money. One of the candidates named, Tom Wolf has spend about 10 million for his race. He has gotten very competitive to win the others. If money is involved in politics it will be very hard for the other candidates to win even if they have a lot of good ideas. In my opinion I think this is very unfair and the regulations of how much money they can contribute should be regulated in Pennsylvania. All the candidates should have an equal chance of winning in the elections. Also, if the previous candidate did a bad job because he had too much influence with money people should be able to realize what is best for them and what they shouldn't do.

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