Saturday, May 3, 2014

Botched Oklahoma execution is 'deeply troubling' Obama says

Botched Oklahoma execution is 'deeply troubling' Obama says 

Til this day the death penalty still faces problems. Problems in the United States about the death penalty have not been well administered in the United States. The execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma was facing problems. Oklahoma officials administered what the procedure should be like.The individual Lockett committed many horrible crimes and murders however president Obama thinks that the death penalty in the country had already numerous problems.The Obama administration has been asked to review this death penalty to help fix this issue. In my opinion I think it is good that they are being more concerned with this type of things because death is a pretty serious issue. The country should help apply clear rules for this procedure and be able to know what's wrong and right. Hopefully, president Obama can help change the outcome of this for the good of everyone so that death penalty's can finally be fair and done with all the government requirements it's suppose to have.,0,372484.htmlstory#axzz30ii3L1FJ

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