Friday, February 28, 2014

Arizona measure shows Republican aim to keep focus on jobs, economy

Arizona measure shows Republican aim to keep focus on jobs, economy

Throughout time, Republicans have been known to do whatever they think is right in order to benefit Americans. However people have demanded for social issues. Issues such as, jobs,healthcare, and other important issues that are constantly in the minds of Americans. With the Arizona measure it showed Republicans are a bit more open now to helping out the millions of struggles people face daily. The Arizona template also served as a template because both of the state senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake sought to enforce the measure. Hopefully now Republicans will be able to focus on creating jobs and improving the United States economy. With them doing this it will help get matched up with all the things president Obama has done such as the, Americans Job Act in 2011 which was to help seek for more jobs and unemployment benefits for fellow Americans. Now with more Republicans being on the senate it will make it easier for them to pass these benefits. In my opinion we are in 2014 and we need better changes to be made to this country.,0,1802231.story#axzz2ufw7H3SQ

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Obama will award Medal of Honor to 24 overlooked Army veterans

Obama will award Medal of Honor to 24 overlooked Army veterans

Throughout History, the nation's most combat honor veterans have fought however back in World War II they were discriminated because of their race. Back then, there was a lot of Latino and Jewish veterans who fought but were denied the coveted Medal of Honor because of discrimination. Recently it was found three of them are still alive. What made this more visible was the Campaign in 2002 where Congress passed the Defense Authorization Act. This act prompted a review of Latino and Jewish service members were awarded the second highest award instead of the most top one. After all the investigation that was done the president will make a ceremony in which the veterans will be awarded because of their sacrifice to the country. In my opinion I think this was a good cause to be able to recognize those brave veterans that were discriminated. Now that America is a free country, they will finally be able to be rewarded for the sacrifice they did to defend the United States.,0,5919747.story#axzz2uAypAsc2 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Democratic governors join Obama in push for higher minimum wage

Democratic governors join Obama in push for higher minimum wage   

For a while now Obama has been pushing to bring the minimum wage higher. The majority of Americans have agreed with this, because they figure it is time to get payed more. Democrats in Congress are working with the president a plan to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10. As this idea is being more brought several states are also working to advance this legislation. With the help of Congress and the Democrats this legislation will soon may be actually enforced. At a dinner hosted by the Democratic governor's, Obama and California governor Jerry Brown met to talk and sign the first 10 hour minimum wage. In my opinion I think raising the minimum wage well help out a lot of Americans. It's about time people are payed more for all their hard work. Not only will this economically help many families but also it will help improve jobs by having a bit more to pay to their employees. Hopefully with this legislation many things can change for the good and people are able to support Obama in this.,0,4787396.story#axzz2uAypAsc2

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Republicans back away from immigration reform

Republicans back away from immigration reform 

After so much time, Republicans trying to gain the Latino vote by helping immigration reform they have slowly gave it up. The House Speaker,  John Boehner announced so many proposals on immigration reform but now he has given up saying it would be difficult to get legislation approved this year. Instead of trying, Boehner decided to abandon all the effort created because he think the GOP majority won't approve legislation. Another issue that is also affecting the GOP is the question of why make an effort to help Latinos when they abandoned the Republican party in the 2012 election. In my opinion if Republicans abandon the immigration reform it will be even harder for them to ever get the Latino vote. If the majority of the Latinos didn't like Republicans now with this it's going to be worse. After having pushed so many things for immigrants and getting close to a reform they decided to give up. Now it seems Obama is being left with all the pressure on his shoulder for the immigration reform. Hopefully with help, Obama even though left alone can help the immigration reform with no help of the Republican party.,0,4727859.story#axzz2slg5oS8L

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Obama speech highlights gap between his goals and his resources

In the 2014 state of the union address Obama talked about all the future goals he had for America. In his goals he included policies aimed at closing the income gap. One of the most important things of the speech was his policy ambitious and the tools he has to achieve them. Obama made really clear his point when he talked about the inequality and lack of upward mobility. He also talked about how in the past years the stock prices have increased but the average wages haven't balanced with the higher product prices. In his speech he also went in deep about social classes. He mentioned research where it showed the economic system was unfairly favoring the wealthy. Also, how a big gap over the rich and poor had emerged drastically. With his state of union he made it pretty clear how he's trying to balance out the classes so the poor and middle class can finally move up. By accomplishing that, he wants to raise the average salary so Americans can finally earn more and have a better profit. In my opinion the state of union address brought a lot of good point of Obama and gave a good sense of what he is trying to accomplish during his last term in his presidency.