Saturday, February 8, 2014

Republicans back away from immigration reform

Republicans back away from immigration reform 

After so much time, Republicans trying to gain the Latino vote by helping immigration reform they have slowly gave it up. The House Speaker,  John Boehner announced so many proposals on immigration reform but now he has given up saying it would be difficult to get legislation approved this year. Instead of trying, Boehner decided to abandon all the effort created because he think the GOP majority won't approve legislation. Another issue that is also affecting the GOP is the question of why make an effort to help Latinos when they abandoned the Republican party in the 2012 election. In my opinion if Republicans abandon the immigration reform it will be even harder for them to ever get the Latino vote. If the majority of the Latinos didn't like Republicans now with this it's going to be worse. After having pushed so many things for immigrants and getting close to a reform they decided to give up. Now it seems Obama is being left with all the pressure on his shoulder for the immigration reform. Hopefully with help, Obama even though left alone can help the immigration reform with no help of the Republican party.,0,4727859.story#axzz2slg5oS8L

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