Sunday, February 16, 2014

Democratic governors join Obama in push for higher minimum wage

Democratic governors join Obama in push for higher minimum wage   

For a while now Obama has been pushing to bring the minimum wage higher. The majority of Americans have agreed with this, because they figure it is time to get payed more. Democrats in Congress are working with the president a plan to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10. As this idea is being more brought several states are also working to advance this legislation. With the help of Congress and the Democrats this legislation will soon may be actually enforced. At a dinner hosted by the Democratic governor's, Obama and California governor Jerry Brown met to talk and sign the first 10 hour minimum wage. In my opinion I think raising the minimum wage well help out a lot of Americans. It's about time people are payed more for all their hard work. Not only will this economically help many families but also it will help improve jobs by having a bit more to pay to their employees. Hopefully with this legislation many things can change for the good and people are able to support Obama in this.,0,4787396.story#axzz2uAypAsc2

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