Friday, February 28, 2014

Arizona measure shows Republican aim to keep focus on jobs, economy

Arizona measure shows Republican aim to keep focus on jobs, economy

Throughout time, Republicans have been known to do whatever they think is right in order to benefit Americans. However people have demanded for social issues. Issues such as, jobs,healthcare, and other important issues that are constantly in the minds of Americans. With the Arizona measure it showed Republicans are a bit more open now to helping out the millions of struggles people face daily. The Arizona template also served as a template because both of the state senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake sought to enforce the measure. Hopefully now Republicans will be able to focus on creating jobs and improving the United States economy. With them doing this it will help get matched up with all the things president Obama has done such as the, Americans Job Act in 2011 which was to help seek for more jobs and unemployment benefits for fellow Americans. Now with more Republicans being on the senate it will make it easier for them to pass these benefits. In my opinion we are in 2014 and we need better changes to be made to this country.,0,1802231.story#axzz2ufw7H3SQ

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