Saturday, February 1, 2014

Obama speech highlights gap between his goals and his resources

In the 2014 state of the union address Obama talked about all the future goals he had for America. In his goals he included policies aimed at closing the income gap. One of the most important things of the speech was his policy ambitious and the tools he has to achieve them. Obama made really clear his point when he talked about the inequality and lack of upward mobility. He also talked about how in the past years the stock prices have increased but the average wages haven't balanced with the higher product prices. In his speech he also went in deep about social classes. He mentioned research where it showed the economic system was unfairly favoring the wealthy. Also, how a big gap over the rich and poor had emerged drastically. With his state of union he made it pretty clear how he's trying to balance out the classes so the poor and middle class can finally move up. By accomplishing that, he wants to raise the average salary so Americans can finally earn more and have a better profit. In my opinion the state of union address brought a lot of good point of Obama and gave a good sense of what he is trying to accomplish during his last term in his presidency.

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