Sunday, March 30, 2014

House Pushes to limit President's right to designate monuments

House Pushes to limit President's right to designate monuments 

A debated issue on the House has been passing because of some of the things President Obama has been doing. Differences in the House started to come out when Obama used his power to expand the California Coastal National Monument. The Republican House voted to scale back the president's authority to establish national monuments. Although the vote came off as 221 to 210 it didn't pass by the Democratic Senate however Republicans were eager to point out the differences they weren't liking. The legislation they have brought up was the 1906 Antiquities Act that limits the president to to one monument per state. This legislation would have to pass through environmental review. In my opinion, I don't think its anything bad for Obama wanting to redesign some monuments and make them larger. I do understand however, that some people would rather preserve it's history and leave them the way they are. I think the legislation would be enough to fix this problem so their can be no more differences between the House and the President.,0,4687496.story#axzz2xTfD6CDW

Friday, March 28, 2014

Extra Credit Blog

Panorama City girl,10, delivers immigration message to Pope Francis

Lately, immigration reform has been put aside. Many people have been getting deported besides all the efforts make to help immigration reform. Many children are being separated from their parents and taken back to their home country. In Panorama City a little girl and her dad when to ask the Pope for help because her dad might get deported. She decided to be brave and go all the way until she met with the Pope. President Obama was suppose to go a few days later after the little girl went. She explained to the Pope how it wasn't just her father suffering but also other children in the U.S going through the same thing as her. The Pope told her he would do his best to try to talk it out with President Obama and work things out. Before leaving, the little girl gave the Pope a handkerchief with two birds in a nest which represented her parents and their home.Hopefully with this brave action from this little girl, it will help inspire Obama and everyone who is against immigration reform. Immigration reform has been progressing fast for families which has brought many hurtful separations and for children to be alone. If more and more people agree with all the harm it is causing it will make a huge impact for immigrant families to finally be legal in the country with their family.,0,2839252.story#axzz2xJlKxg1M

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Marijuana industry finds unlikely new allies in conservatives

Marijuana industry finds unlikely new allies in conservatives 

To conservatives, the marijuana industry has always been seen as bad and banned. However, a new perspective of marijuana is being introduced. Marijuana today is becoming a very great investment for a lot of people. For example in Nevada marijuana may be legalized and an investment firm specialized in marijuana introduced the ballot for marijuana and in less than 10 minutes he raised $150,000. Political contributors are now seeing the marijuana business and how big of an investment it is. Not only they are seeing it as an investment but also as a legitimate business creating jobs for people. People are now able to get a job by just advocating for marijuana. The marijuana industry is bringing a huge change in soon, it will start expanding more and more. In my opinion if they are going to extent it they should take safe measure and not just expand it like crazy because of the money it produces. Now that the conservatives are open to marijuana hopefully they can also start to be open to other very important issues in the government.,0,3970994.story#axzz2wqRDrrrF

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gay Rights groups press Obama for anti-discrimination order

Gay Rights groups press Obama for anti-discrimination order

During Obama's presidency he has contributed to help a lot the gay community. One of the main things he has helped improve for them is the discrimination in the military. Obama also helped them by establishing a Supreme Court ruling to protect married gay couples from federal discrimination. However after all of this, they are still upset of something he hasn't done yet. The Gay community want an executive order banning federal contractors from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender. Many of the advocates in favor of this executive order argue, it would help provide employment protections for millions of workers who have none. Although many large companies and states already have laws against sexual orientation, there is still many medium sized companies in conservative states that don't have these protections. In my opinion I think Obama should sign this executive order because if he already took a huge step on helping this group might as well take in all the help and give all the 360 degree turn for them. With this order many workers will finally be able to feel safe and protected by this laws.,0,1417408.story#axzz2wqRDrrrF

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Obama calls on Homeland Security to ease deportations

Obama calls on Homeland Security to ease deportations 

Throughout the years in the United States, Deportation has always occurred with significantly large numbers. Many families have been deported and gone through the horrible stage of separation. Obama now has been pushing hard to help immigrants stay in the U.S. Under orders of president Obama he tried to help immigration laws by making them more humanely. However, homeland security officials are now focusing on policy changes to help slow the pace of deportations. This is now bringing obstacles along the way. The White House has been rejecting proposals of immigration. One of the proposals they objected was, allowing parents of young people to illegally stay with their kids. That however would cause a huge problem to the immigration system, because the majority of immigrants are in the United States because of their children compared to the small amount that are here for committing crimes. In my opinion, this is a tough decision however when made about immigration policies it has to be implemented very carefully. Hopefully, with Obama's administration they will help bring a solution to immigration deportations.,0,2060383.story#axzz2wpr8UKmc