Saturday, March 8, 2014

Obama calls on Homeland Security to ease deportations

Obama calls on Homeland Security to ease deportations 

Throughout the years in the United States, Deportation has always occurred with significantly large numbers. Many families have been deported and gone through the horrible stage of separation. Obama now has been pushing hard to help immigrants stay in the U.S. Under orders of president Obama he tried to help immigration laws by making them more humanely. However, homeland security officials are now focusing on policy changes to help slow the pace of deportations. This is now bringing obstacles along the way. The White House has been rejecting proposals of immigration. One of the proposals they objected was, allowing parents of young people to illegally stay with their kids. That however would cause a huge problem to the immigration system, because the majority of immigrants are in the United States because of their children compared to the small amount that are here for committing crimes. In my opinion, this is a tough decision however when made about immigration policies it has to be implemented very carefully. Hopefully, with Obama's administration they will help bring a solution to immigration deportations.,0,2060383.story#axzz2wpr8UKmc

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