Sunday, March 23, 2014

Marijuana industry finds unlikely new allies in conservatives

Marijuana industry finds unlikely new allies in conservatives 

To conservatives, the marijuana industry has always been seen as bad and banned. However, a new perspective of marijuana is being introduced. Marijuana today is becoming a very great investment for a lot of people. For example in Nevada marijuana may be legalized and an investment firm specialized in marijuana introduced the ballot for marijuana and in less than 10 minutes he raised $150,000. Political contributors are now seeing the marijuana business and how big of an investment it is. Not only they are seeing it as an investment but also as a legitimate business creating jobs for people. People are now able to get a job by just advocating for marijuana. The marijuana industry is bringing a huge change in soon, it will start expanding more and more. In my opinion if they are going to extent it they should take safe measure and not just expand it like crazy because of the money it produces. Now that the conservatives are open to marijuana hopefully they can also start to be open to other very important issues in the government.,0,3970994.story#axzz2wqRDrrrF

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