Friday, March 28, 2014

Extra Credit Blog

Panorama City girl,10, delivers immigration message to Pope Francis

Lately, immigration reform has been put aside. Many people have been getting deported besides all the efforts make to help immigration reform. Many children are being separated from their parents and taken back to their home country. In Panorama City a little girl and her dad when to ask the Pope for help because her dad might get deported. She decided to be brave and go all the way until she met with the Pope. President Obama was suppose to go a few days later after the little girl went. She explained to the Pope how it wasn't just her father suffering but also other children in the U.S going through the same thing as her. The Pope told her he would do his best to try to talk it out with President Obama and work things out. Before leaving, the little girl gave the Pope a handkerchief with two birds in a nest which represented her parents and their home.Hopefully with this brave action from this little girl, it will help inspire Obama and everyone who is against immigration reform. Immigration reform has been progressing fast for families which has brought many hurtful separations and for children to be alone. If more and more people agree with all the harm it is causing it will make a huge impact for immigrant families to finally be legal in the country with their family.,0,2839252.story#axzz2xJlKxg1M

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