Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gay Rights groups press Obama for anti-discrimination order

Gay Rights groups press Obama for anti-discrimination order

During Obama's presidency he has contributed to help a lot the gay community. One of the main things he has helped improve for them is the discrimination in the military. Obama also helped them by establishing a Supreme Court ruling to protect married gay couples from federal discrimination. However after all of this, they are still upset of something he hasn't done yet. The Gay community want an executive order banning federal contractors from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender. Many of the advocates in favor of this executive order argue, it would help provide employment protections for millions of workers who have none. Although many large companies and states already have laws against sexual orientation, there is still many medium sized companies in conservative states that don't have these protections. In my opinion I think Obama should sign this executive order because if he already took a huge step on helping this group might as well take in all the help and give all the 360 degree turn for them. With this order many workers will finally be able to feel safe and protected by this laws.,0,1417408.story#axzz2wqRDrrrF

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