Thursday, May 29, 2014

Obama delays deportation review,putting immigration onus on GOP

Obama delays deportation review,putting immigration onus on GOP 

Recently. the White House decided to delay a review of deportations shifting focus away from President Obama. By delaying the deportation the Department of Homeland Security would be able to review the deportations on August while the White House could use a window of opportunity to pass a reform during the midterm election. Many people have been arguing over the pros and cons over delaying the deportations. For Example, the House Speaker John Boehner said Obama's decision to postpone the deportation review should not be a concession for the Republicans but instead the president's responsibility to uphold existing laws. However the House Representatives have argued they don't want to start no immigration laws because they don't trust the president to enforce them not even the exisiting laws that are already done. In my opinion, I don't think delaying it will help because immigration will always be a main topic on politics. However if they think they can create better laws by having more time then I think it was a good option. Although, Obama delayed it he must have his reasons and when it comes to open it again hopefully he is prepared to come up with good ideas to help out the amount of deportations that occur.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Homeland Security may reduce deportations of nonviolent immigrants

Homeland Security may reduce deportations of nonviolent immigrants 

Deportation during the Obama administration has increased a lot which has caused a lot of problems and dislike to the Latino community. The new change of deportation to nonviolent immigrants will now slow down the pace of immigrant deportations. It will also help relieve pressure to the White House from labor and Latino groups that have criticized President Obama as a deporter in chief. In my opinion this may be a good process however it will not be enough for the Latino community. Obama will have to face a bigger step in order to accomplishing the immigration system. It is a good idea to reduce nonviolent immigrants since usually immigrants that have done a good to the country are deported and taken away from their families.  A reform bill would be the best solution to this however for now it's a step to help immigrants out.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Harvard professor's super PAC aims to end power of super PAC's

Harvard professor's super PAC aims to end power of super PAC's 

Harvard professor's have been working on questions that have gather the attention of many. The first question is if it would be able to create a super PAC that would end the power of the PAC and get enough Americans into the system to limit the influence of money in politics. The second question was that if it were possible to get voters excited about a subject as dry as a campaign finance. In order to test out the questions, professor Lawrence Lessig asked Americans across the political spectrum who believe the current political system is legally corrupt. The result of that was that the government is not responsible for the average American but instead responsible for the people that fund. The overall thing is that the public doesn't like how the system is run however they don't do anything about it. In my opinion more people should be aware of the research that is done especially by this Harvard professors. If people don't like how the government is run they should raise their voice and speak up rather then leave all the issues to the rich people that help fund the government in the United States.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

How a lot of money helped vault Pennsylvania primary candidate to top

How a lot of money helped vault Pennsylvania primary candidate to top  

A lot of primaries occur across states however Pennsylvania has the higher rate in which shows how money is involved into politics. There are four democrats who will be running against republican Tom Corbett. Voters have been disappointed with the choices Corbett has made such as cuts to education funding, and the progress of the economy. Since people don't like Corbett the four democrats are willing to step it up if they get chosen. They are willing to spend more money on education and help the environmental regulations. The difference between them however is money. One of the candidates named, Tom Wolf has spend about 10 million for his race. He has gotten very competitive to win the others. If money is involved in politics it will be very hard for the other candidates to win even if they have a lot of good ideas. In my opinion I think this is very unfair and the regulations of how much money they can contribute should be regulated in Pennsylvania. All the candidates should have an equal chance of winning in the elections. Also, if the previous candidate did a bad job because he had too much influence with money people should be able to realize what is best for them and what they shouldn't do.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Republicans say comments on Hilary Clinton's health are fair game

Republicans say comments on Hilary Clinton's health are fair game   

Hilary Clinton wanting to run for president has led a lot of Republicans to wonder if she will be capable of doing the president's duties. Her health and age have been a political debate.  However, Democrats consider their comments pathetic and believe she is capable. Apparently it all began when she suffered from a brain injury. The Republican National Committee in which Reince Preibus participates have said if she decides to run in the 2016 election her blood clot in her head will be questioned. The problem with her blood cot before was that it had prevented her from testifying in the Benghazi terror attack of 2012.  Many people have argued if she runs as candidate for president her health problems will come out in the White House campaign. Although she is being criticized by so many people because of her health she doesn't mind because she knows she has the good elements to become a president. Although in the 2016 election she will be 69 her age and health will be asked but she will still be brave enough to run. In my opinion, I think it's time for a woman to be president especially a person as strong as her. No matter her health problems and age she is willing to do the best to become a great leader and president to the United States.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Arkansas Supreme Court halts same-sex marriages

Arkansas Supreme Court halts same-sex marriages

Recently without no type of explanation the Supreme Court in Arkansas decided to ban same-sex marrages. Hundreds of gays and lesbians had been married in that State which was now's ban unconstitutional.  With this issue the Supreme Court will consider an appeal. 17 states have already legalized same-sex marriage with Massachusetts being one of the first one's after the Supreme Court held a ban on a gay marriage to be unconstitutional. It's pretty unfair what Arkansas is doing after so many year permitting same sex marriage to happen. In my opinion the Supreme Court should really review this again because if they don't they will have to face a lot of problems with gays and lesbians. Also there will be a lot of protests going on and supporters of gay and lesbian rights will come to fight Arkansas Supreme Court until they fix the mistake they are doing. Hopefully everything gets fixed and same-sex marriage people will finally be able to marry according to the law. At some point either way Arkansas will have to allow the marriage laws since what they did is unconstitutional.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Obamacare brings expanded coverage and higher costs to California

Obamacare brings expanded coverage and higher costs to California 

Although Obamacare has been spread to help everyone's health care, it has also raised the prices high. The healthcare program that is suppose to help low income families is causing the new high costs to the State of California. According to Jerry Brown's administration 11.5 million of California's population will be enrolled in Obamacare. The administration officials estimates were 1.2 million more than originally planned. Apparently what California had planned to spend for Obamacare was way much more then what they could have possibly imagined. The federal government became responsible for the people that were eligible however they are also responsible for half the price of the people that didn't sign up. Although people are excited for how much Obamacare was a success they fear doctors who participate in Medical will cut down their payments. In my opinion, it doesn't matter how much the State of California spends as long as people have a good health insurance. Hopefully all this issue will get fixed and the doctors salary won't have to decrease.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Botched Oklahoma execution is 'deeply troubling' Obama says

Botched Oklahoma execution is 'deeply troubling' Obama says 

Til this day the death penalty still faces problems. Problems in the United States about the death penalty have not been well administered in the United States. The execution of Clayton Lockett in Oklahoma was facing problems. Oklahoma officials administered what the procedure should be like.The individual Lockett committed many horrible crimes and murders however president Obama thinks that the death penalty in the country had already numerous problems.The Obama administration has been asked to review this death penalty to help fix this issue. In my opinion I think it is good that they are being more concerned with this type of things because death is a pretty serious issue. The country should help apply clear rules for this procedure and be able to know what's wrong and right. Hopefully, president Obama can help change the outcome of this for the good of everyone so that death penalty's can finally be fair and done with all the government requirements it's suppose to have.,0,372484.htmlstory#axzz30ii3L1FJ

Sunday, April 27, 2014

New jersey legislators to turn over bridge documents to prosecuters

New Jersey legislators to turn over bridge documents to prosecutors

New Jersey's legislators have been facing problems recently. Two democratic legislators leading the State committee announced they would turn over all the documents. The problem was, a State judge ruled that two figures in the bridge controversial didn't have the records required. The federal grand jury has been examining the bridge scandal and other allegations of abusive power. Hopefully with all the investigations they did they are able to fix this problem. Many people and testimonies have been brought up to this case for clarification. If the documents are being used in a corrupt way it will be investiagted until they find the right cause of everything that happened. Hopefully with this the state of New Jersey is finally out of problems and not having to face this type of issues. Republicans and Democrats are working hard together to get this solutioned as soon as possible.,0,6211172.story#axzz309UGMwFC

Friday, April 25, 2014

Insurers already calculating 2015 premises as Obamacare kicks in

Insurers already calculating 2015 premises as Obamacare kicks in

Now that the Obamacare finally kicked in people are wondering what are going to be the outcomes and prices for the next year. The medical bills of Obamacare already have started and the price will keep counting and going up no matter what. California has reached it's extended goals for people signing up under the affordable care act. Many people have been impressed with the large number of 1.1 million policyholders that have been part of this government program. However, the number of sicker patients has increased and that is what is dragging the attention of many people. The California leading health insurance has already predicted double digit plus increasing rates. Which means, the number of the medical cost will eventually raise up being more expensive. Now that they have seen what might occur insurance companies must file next year's rates to see the total price of health insurance. In my opinion, I think it is very good for the insurance companies to start thinking the options and costs of next year so that people will be prepared. If the numbers increase to double digits hopefully there will be something to help people out pay their medical costs.,0,5708594.story#axzz309UGMwFC

Friday, April 18, 2014

Administration punts on Keystone, Obama faces Dem revolt

Administration punts on Keystone, Obama faces Dem revolt

Issues over the pipeline have been lately going on.  The Obama administration finally decided over a final decision which was extending the pipeline until midterm elections. Republicans and some Democrats slammed the administration for the delay and including some Democrats want to go around the president to get the project approved. Some people are really upset at the fact that the pipeline has been going around over a 5 year long process and it's still being delayed. The State Department however are trying to add additional time so that the Nebraska litigation won't affect the routes. 11 Democratic Senators have written to President Obama and urging him to change his decision by the end of May. The Obama administration has been facing a lot of pressure with this pipeline problem.  The Republicans strongly agree on the support for this project. On the other hand, Democrats are divided. Some of them are pressing the State Department to give thumbs up over the project. Others argue the negative consequences of the pipeline which include, climate change and possible health risks. In my opinion, since this issue is being so debated they should have a meeting in order to decide so it can be fair for both sides arguing over the pipeline.

Measure to Repeal Death Penalty Fails by a Single Vote in New Hampshire Senate

Measure to Repeal Death Penalty Fails by a Single Vote in New Hampshire Senate

The Death Penalty has been still been debated in the State of New Hampshire.  It all started in Michael Addison's case. In 2008, Michael Addison was convicted in the shooting death of a Manchester Police officer. People in his case have wanted him to be on his death row. However, legal issues with this court case have been crossing each other.Other States have already abolish the death penalty. House Representatives already approved the repeal 225 to 104. In my opinion the death penalty should be abolished from all states. Even though New England still practices it, U.S States should stay away from that. There are plenty of other varities of things that can be used as a punishment instead of using the death penalty. Hopefully they soon sign the law into place and Ban New Hampshire from using the death penalty and for Michael Addison's case to be reviewed once again.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Immigrants seeking U.S. protections spend months in detention

Immigrants seeking U.S. protections spend months in detention 

It has been found that thousands of immigrants who seek protection in the U.S have been spending time in detention. Apparently, they have been waiting for the government to determine their cases and for what to be decided. American Civil Liberties and the Chicago based National Justice Center did a lawsuit against the government because they are spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on detentions. The detentions are only suppose to be held by a 10 days determination but they are being processed longer. The Obama administration has put into work and is working to set a priority on immigrants on detentions.  The government regulations are now trying for immigrants in a 10 day period to know if their case can be processed and heard by a judge. I agree with the lawsuit that is being filled because why have millions of immigrants on detentions if they aren't even doing anything to them. The limit of a 10 day period seems pretty good for their case to be heard by a judge. Hopefully with this new regulations everything will be fixed and the U.S tax money will be used wisely.,0,7470976.story#axzz2zDQNHzt1

Friday, April 11, 2014

Obama issues orders seeking equal pay for women

Obama issues orders seeking equal pay for women 

For a long time now, women working in federal contractors haven't been paid the same amount as men. Recently, President Obama used his executive order to sign two executive orders for women and men working in contractors to get equally payed. It has been talked about the great gap pay between men and women workers in the U.S. According to the White House women make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. After all this investigation, Obama also ordered for contractors to report data to the government about the amount paid to workers by gender and race. In my opinion, I am glad President Obama is doing this because it's finally time. Women should not be payed less than a man for the same amount of work that they are completing. Although Republicans like always are trying to make little adjustments so this process won't pass Obama argues for them to stop living in the past decade and start playing fair. The United States is a place of freedom and equality where no one should be discriminated and if this is true, this equal payment issues should come into law and be passed so that finally America can be actually a place where everyone is equal and for their hard work they can get a good life.,0,5054235.story#axzz2zCwmqhXj

Saturday, April 5, 2014

L.A Unified Supt. Deasy unveils new budget proposal

L.A Unified Supt. Deasy unveils new budget proposal 

LAUSD for quite a while now have been facing money issues. What they are trying to do is increase the general fund to 6.8 billion under the proposal 2014-2015 fiscal year. The reason they are doing this is because of the state's improving economy and higher taxes. LAUSD will also be receiving additional dollars through the state's new funding formula for every kid that falls under certain category's like foster youth, students learning English, and students from low income families.  This new funds all connect to the new system developed by Jerry Brown and the state legislature. With all this new funds they hope to do great investments in education for the youth. In my opinion, I am so glad they are doing this especially knowing that education has always gotten the least amount of funds and now with this not only are they improving the education system but also new jobs are being opened for teachers.,0,4019400.story#axzz2y2td7vha

Friday, April 4, 2014

States that have struggled with healthcare sites consider lawsuits

States that have struggled with healthcare sites consider lawsuits

Now that the healthcare has been more progressed their are still some states that are facing difficulties trying to get the program. States such as, Oregon, Massachusetts, and Maryland. The three states are considering a move to the federal exchange. Consultants have said it would take about two years to fix the state's websites. Knowing this the states have plowed to grant funds in order to save their programs before Monday which is the deadline. A lot of people are concerned because this states that are facing problems have not been part of an extension to help them out in some sort of way. Each state is trying their best to get the amount of help needed to fix this issue however if it's not fixed it is more likely for them to consider starting lawsuits. In my opinion, the healthcare website had already faced many problems so I don't see why they are making such a big deal out of it. They should just get help and get it fixed and for those states struggling they should get an extension of the deadline since they are having a little bit more of a trouble.,0,6750235.story#axzz2y2td7vha

Sunday, March 30, 2014

House Pushes to limit President's right to designate monuments

House Pushes to limit President's right to designate monuments 

A debated issue on the House has been passing because of some of the things President Obama has been doing. Differences in the House started to come out when Obama used his power to expand the California Coastal National Monument. The Republican House voted to scale back the president's authority to establish national monuments. Although the vote came off as 221 to 210 it didn't pass by the Democratic Senate however Republicans were eager to point out the differences they weren't liking. The legislation they have brought up was the 1906 Antiquities Act that limits the president to to one monument per state. This legislation would have to pass through environmental review. In my opinion, I don't think its anything bad for Obama wanting to redesign some monuments and make them larger. I do understand however, that some people would rather preserve it's history and leave them the way they are. I think the legislation would be enough to fix this problem so their can be no more differences between the House and the President.,0,4687496.story#axzz2xTfD6CDW

Friday, March 28, 2014

Extra Credit Blog

Panorama City girl,10, delivers immigration message to Pope Francis

Lately, immigration reform has been put aside. Many people have been getting deported besides all the efforts make to help immigration reform. Many children are being separated from their parents and taken back to their home country. In Panorama City a little girl and her dad when to ask the Pope for help because her dad might get deported. She decided to be brave and go all the way until she met with the Pope. President Obama was suppose to go a few days later after the little girl went. She explained to the Pope how it wasn't just her father suffering but also other children in the U.S going through the same thing as her. The Pope told her he would do his best to try to talk it out with President Obama and work things out. Before leaving, the little girl gave the Pope a handkerchief with two birds in a nest which represented her parents and their home.Hopefully with this brave action from this little girl, it will help inspire Obama and everyone who is against immigration reform. Immigration reform has been progressing fast for families which has brought many hurtful separations and for children to be alone. If more and more people agree with all the harm it is causing it will make a huge impact for immigrant families to finally be legal in the country with their family.,0,2839252.story#axzz2xJlKxg1M

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Marijuana industry finds unlikely new allies in conservatives

Marijuana industry finds unlikely new allies in conservatives 

To conservatives, the marijuana industry has always been seen as bad and banned. However, a new perspective of marijuana is being introduced. Marijuana today is becoming a very great investment for a lot of people. For example in Nevada marijuana may be legalized and an investment firm specialized in marijuana introduced the ballot for marijuana and in less than 10 minutes he raised $150,000. Political contributors are now seeing the marijuana business and how big of an investment it is. Not only they are seeing it as an investment but also as a legitimate business creating jobs for people. People are now able to get a job by just advocating for marijuana. The marijuana industry is bringing a huge change in soon, it will start expanding more and more. In my opinion if they are going to extent it they should take safe measure and not just expand it like crazy because of the money it produces. Now that the conservatives are open to marijuana hopefully they can also start to be open to other very important issues in the government.,0,3970994.story#axzz2wqRDrrrF

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gay Rights groups press Obama for anti-discrimination order

Gay Rights groups press Obama for anti-discrimination order

During Obama's presidency he has contributed to help a lot the gay community. One of the main things he has helped improve for them is the discrimination in the military. Obama also helped them by establishing a Supreme Court ruling to protect married gay couples from federal discrimination. However after all of this, they are still upset of something he hasn't done yet. The Gay community want an executive order banning federal contractors from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender. Many of the advocates in favor of this executive order argue, it would help provide employment protections for millions of workers who have none. Although many large companies and states already have laws against sexual orientation, there is still many medium sized companies in conservative states that don't have these protections. In my opinion I think Obama should sign this executive order because if he already took a huge step on helping this group might as well take in all the help and give all the 360 degree turn for them. With this order many workers will finally be able to feel safe and protected by this laws.,0,1417408.story#axzz2wqRDrrrF

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Obama calls on Homeland Security to ease deportations

Obama calls on Homeland Security to ease deportations 

Throughout the years in the United States, Deportation has always occurred with significantly large numbers. Many families have been deported and gone through the horrible stage of separation. Obama now has been pushing hard to help immigrants stay in the U.S. Under orders of president Obama he tried to help immigration laws by making them more humanely. However, homeland security officials are now focusing on policy changes to help slow the pace of deportations. This is now bringing obstacles along the way. The White House has been rejecting proposals of immigration. One of the proposals they objected was, allowing parents of young people to illegally stay with their kids. That however would cause a huge problem to the immigration system, because the majority of immigrants are in the United States because of their children compared to the small amount that are here for committing crimes. In my opinion, this is a tough decision however when made about immigration policies it has to be implemented very carefully. Hopefully, with Obama's administration they will help bring a solution to immigration deportations.,0,2060383.story#axzz2wpr8UKmc

Friday, February 28, 2014

Arizona measure shows Republican aim to keep focus on jobs, economy

Arizona measure shows Republican aim to keep focus on jobs, economy

Throughout time, Republicans have been known to do whatever they think is right in order to benefit Americans. However people have demanded for social issues. Issues such as, jobs,healthcare, and other important issues that are constantly in the minds of Americans. With the Arizona measure it showed Republicans are a bit more open now to helping out the millions of struggles people face daily. The Arizona template also served as a template because both of the state senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake sought to enforce the measure. Hopefully now Republicans will be able to focus on creating jobs and improving the United States economy. With them doing this it will help get matched up with all the things president Obama has done such as the, Americans Job Act in 2011 which was to help seek for more jobs and unemployment benefits for fellow Americans. Now with more Republicans being on the senate it will make it easier for them to pass these benefits. In my opinion we are in 2014 and we need better changes to be made to this country.,0,1802231.story#axzz2ufw7H3SQ

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Obama will award Medal of Honor to 24 overlooked Army veterans

Obama will award Medal of Honor to 24 overlooked Army veterans

Throughout History, the nation's most combat honor veterans have fought however back in World War II they were discriminated because of their race. Back then, there was a lot of Latino and Jewish veterans who fought but were denied the coveted Medal of Honor because of discrimination. Recently it was found three of them are still alive. What made this more visible was the Campaign in 2002 where Congress passed the Defense Authorization Act. This act prompted a review of Latino and Jewish service members were awarded the second highest award instead of the most top one. After all the investigation that was done the president will make a ceremony in which the veterans will be awarded because of their sacrifice to the country. In my opinion I think this was a good cause to be able to recognize those brave veterans that were discriminated. Now that America is a free country, they will finally be able to be rewarded for the sacrifice they did to defend the United States.,0,5919747.story#axzz2uAypAsc2 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Democratic governors join Obama in push for higher minimum wage

Democratic governors join Obama in push for higher minimum wage   

For a while now Obama has been pushing to bring the minimum wage higher. The majority of Americans have agreed with this, because they figure it is time to get payed more. Democrats in Congress are working with the president a plan to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10. As this idea is being more brought several states are also working to advance this legislation. With the help of Congress and the Democrats this legislation will soon may be actually enforced. At a dinner hosted by the Democratic governor's, Obama and California governor Jerry Brown met to talk and sign the first 10 hour minimum wage. In my opinion I think raising the minimum wage well help out a lot of Americans. It's about time people are payed more for all their hard work. Not only will this economically help many families but also it will help improve jobs by having a bit more to pay to their employees. Hopefully with this legislation many things can change for the good and people are able to support Obama in this.,0,4787396.story#axzz2uAypAsc2

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Republicans back away from immigration reform

Republicans back away from immigration reform 

After so much time, Republicans trying to gain the Latino vote by helping immigration reform they have slowly gave it up. The House Speaker,  John Boehner announced so many proposals on immigration reform but now he has given up saying it would be difficult to get legislation approved this year. Instead of trying, Boehner decided to abandon all the effort created because he think the GOP majority won't approve legislation. Another issue that is also affecting the GOP is the question of why make an effort to help Latinos when they abandoned the Republican party in the 2012 election. In my opinion if Republicans abandon the immigration reform it will be even harder for them to ever get the Latino vote. If the majority of the Latinos didn't like Republicans now with this it's going to be worse. After having pushed so many things for immigrants and getting close to a reform they decided to give up. Now it seems Obama is being left with all the pressure on his shoulder for the immigration reform. Hopefully with help, Obama even though left alone can help the immigration reform with no help of the Republican party.,0,4727859.story#axzz2slg5oS8L

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Obama speech highlights gap between his goals and his resources

In the 2014 state of the union address Obama talked about all the future goals he had for America. In his goals he included policies aimed at closing the income gap. One of the most important things of the speech was his policy ambitious and the tools he has to achieve them. Obama made really clear his point when he talked about the inequality and lack of upward mobility. He also talked about how in the past years the stock prices have increased but the average wages haven't balanced with the higher product prices. In his speech he also went in deep about social classes. He mentioned research where it showed the economic system was unfairly favoring the wealthy. Also, how a big gap over the rich and poor had emerged drastically. With his state of union he made it pretty clear how he's trying to balance out the classes so the poor and middle class can finally move up. By accomplishing that, he wants to raise the average salary so Americans can finally earn more and have a better profit. In my opinion the state of union address brought a lot of good point of Obama and gave a good sense of what he is trying to accomplish during his last term in his presidency.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

State of the Union: Obama aiming his message beyond Congress

Obama in 2013 faced a hard year with many things that occurred in his presidency with Congress. One of the main things that happened in his presidency was the government shutdown. That brought many negative contributions and struggles to him. This new year President Obama will deliver his state of union to Congress. With all the struggles Obama faced with Congress in the past he is now trying to come up with a new agenda that can advance with or without the help and support from Congress.  The white house will also help contribute so Congress and the president can both make wise decisions. Obama helps that in his second term he is able to accomplish everything he couldn't before because of the bad relationship he had with Congress. In this second term he is hoping to open up more jobs and help better the economy in the U.S. In my opinion it must be very hard for Congress and the president to get along however they both have to put in their part so our government can be successful. Hopefully with the President's new agenda everything will be taken care of and no bad situations will occur such as in 2013.,0,7011814.story#axzz2rTNZMFJg

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Congress OKs measure to cut helicopter noise in L.A. County

Congress OKs measure to cut helicopter noise in L.A. County

For a lot of years now, many people in the Los Angeles area have been disturbed by the constant noises of helicopters around there neighborhoods. However, a new legislation was passed into the massive federal spending bill by Congress. The new legislation requires the federal administration to begin flight regulations to reduce the noise of helicopters. The anti noise legislation was included with a 1 trillion bill that funds federal agencies. They have been trying to to test this anti noise helicopters in some areas of Los Angeles. A process is being made to improve the noise of helicopters. In my opinion I think this anti noise helicopter is a great thing. Living in L.A is already hard enough with the whole noise and action of helicopters everywhere. There has even been nights where I can't sleep because of the loud helicopter noises. Especially living here in Korea Town is so hard with many helicopters flying around constantly at night. With this new legislation hopefully the improvement of helicopters will be better and more people living in L.A will be able to have a good night sleep.,0,235741.story#axzz2qsHHLegM

Monday, January 13, 2014

Republicans call for a new approach to fight poverty

Republicans call for a new approach to fight poverty

Republicans have always been seen more unpleasant than the rest of the political powers. Many people view them as only trying to help the rich and white. However to get a second glance, they are trying to help fight poverty. Republicans are working to help out the party by tackling poverty and boosting the middle class. They are trying to help out the uneven economy that the democrats have been trying to improve for the last couple of months. Many people seem to have doubt about the party and it's goals towards the working class. Through the election of Mitt Romney republicans noticed they lost votes when they believed in the rich not paying taxes or people not having support from the government. In my opinion I believe it's about time republicans focus on the middle class instead of the rich. With their help and the help that democrats are bringing both parties can combine to help out the economy. The middle class is the one that suffers the most since they don't get much government help however they are suppose to be treated as rich adults. For example the middle class is expected to pay for their college education even though they don't have the money for it. If republicans help fight poverty they will also help the economy.,0,2942077.story#axzz2qKjnAPZI

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Supreme Court halts Utah gay marriages, signaling cautious approach

Supreme Court halts Utah gay marriages, signaling cautious approach  

You would think by this time a majority of people would be in favor of gay marriage however it seems not everyone is ready to take gay marriage to the next level. The Supreme Court ordered a halt to the issue of same sex marriage on Utah. It seems justices are not ready to accept same sex marriage nation wide. Although other states have gay marriage such as California, there is other states that are still not at that level to accept it. Justices need a little bit more time on recap on this issue of same sex marriage on Utah. The state will have to appeal to the U.S 10th circuit court of appeals. During that court over 1,000 marriage licenses have been issued. The appeals court is expected to make a decision this year but the losing side wont get a final decision till 2015. Hopefully when the justices finally agree on same sex marriage more states will adapt what California and Utah are doing and finally be able to give gay marriage people the same benefits that normal married couples have.,0,1829277.story#axzz2phUHYKjt